- Accommodations
- Booking accommodation
- Permits to fish from a boat
- Fishing regulations for reservoir Nechranice
From the GPS: 50 ° 22'14.693 "N, 13 ° 25'9.173" E , K: 50 ° 21'55.583 "N, 13 ° 17'33.006" E
From the dam of the reservoir Nechranice to the weir in Zelina.
Perch is protected from 1 January to 15 June inclusive. The minimum size for perch is 20 cm.
Due to general interest, Entering the area of Landslide on the left bank of the reservoir is prohibited - Marked by the information boards.
Angling is prohibited from the confluence of the Čachovický - Lužický brooks 100 meters on both sides from December 1st to March 31st inclusive, Including Also the influx of the brook in the length of 100m.
Angling is prohibited in the section of the river Eger (approx. 450 m from the weir in Želina to the diagonal line with the LOWEST Located building of a settlement on the right bank (downstream) in the cadastral territory of the municipality of Rokle Želina (The End Of The Asphalt communication) and in the period from 1 January - June 15 (inclusive) In the waste water channel of a small power plant (CEZ Tusimice) Angling is prohibited. Angling from the weir in Želina is prohibited all year round.
Use of anchored floating buoys for marking feeding places and for anchoring of boats on the Entire area of this fishery is prohibited. Ban on the use of anchored floating buoys for marking feeding places and anchoring the boats in the area of the Entire Fisher.
Fishing Boat with Allowed with permission of North Bohemian Regional Board of CFU in Fisherman ' s House in Vikletice and set upon keeping rules.
Using boats with combustion engines is prohibited.
Decision of the District Authority Chomutov Ref. No. TR-II / Pit-8735/98 is protected as a gathering place of plovers (birds) in the section from the place of anchoring boats Near the Lužický Brook's The Village of Blue pike, and from the 7th 30th 15th 9 . in this period it is prohibited in the aforementioned section to fish from the bank. Angling is Allowed only from boats in the distance of at the least 20 m from the current border of the water surface. In the time of protection Also it is prohibited that land with boats and sail with Them to the distance Shorter Than 20 m from the current border of the water surface.
Angling is prohibited from the camp, "The dam" on the bank (operator Mr. Jirkovský) in the length of about 100 m the according to the marking the borders by the information boards, and in July and August Between 8.00 and 19.00 o'clock.
Trolling is prohibited.
On the banks of the reservoir is Nechranice deliminated the reservoir space by the concrete columns (bollards) at the access roads. The reservoir space is prohibited to enter with vehicles (except or landing the boat on water. In the reservoir space with camping, damaging the banks would anchoring of columns for anchoring boats, throwing away waste and making fires as well as cutting shrubs and trees prohibited. boats May Stay in the reserved places or places with Marked sailing mark "P" for parking Allowed, Eventually in the immediate distance of Your Own influx Land in the area of the reservoir. Camping is Allowed only in Marked camping places.
Opening hours of the Fisherman's House Vikletice with the sale of Permits etc. (remote premises of the North Bohemian Regional Board of Usti nad Labem) are Wednesday through Sunday 8.00 to 10.00 and 15.00 to 17.00 O'clock.
Angling from vessels is permitted only in compliance with the principles laid down permits issued Severočeský US CFU in the fishermen's home in Vikletice, correspondence to www.crsusti.cz , or can be verified sale in MO (District Chomutov and Louny).